Betsy Ulmer Scholarship Application

Fill out the application below.

Applicants are required to complete all areas of the application that apply to them.

Your Name(Required)
Colleges applied to and/or accepted to(Required)
Please list your scholastic GPA %, leadership positions, and other non-golf related activities:
Please provide an explanation of your golf accomplishments, strengths, involvement, experiences, and successes/awards in your playing experience:
List all high school coaches/faculty/staff (include phone number and email address) who coached or supervised you in the activities you participated in:
Coach's Name
List all jobs (volunteer or paid) starting with the most recent or current job, including company, dates of employment, and job description:
Dates of Employment
Job Description
Other Awards
List any other scholarships you have won and amount:
Name of Scholarship
Please write an informal letter indicating why you would like to go to college, what you expect from the college experience, and why you believe the BDGA should grant you this scholarship and please describe in detail how you intend to use your scholarship funding (i.e. coaching, tournament entry, equipment, travel, etc.). Limited to 500 words.


I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand there will be a final meeting with the BDGA to review your grant, if awarded. Also, I certify, the BDGA may publicize my scholarship in their organizational marketing collateral.

Clear Signature
Clear Signature