The TELLL Fund, established in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Shatkin, ob”m, provides honorarium for Torah lectures, sponsorship of local Jewish workshops and talks, as well as Jewish educational and cultural programs and materials for dissemination.

Established 2010, The TELLL Fund promotes Jewish education and culture in Western New York. We provide Jewish events, Torah workshops, materials and equipment for Jewish education, grants, as well as a modest stipend to Torah lecturers. Your donation is vital, every little bit helps sustain our many activities and programs. We thank you for your kind and generous support.
The TELLL Fund has several volunteer opportunities available for our upcoming programs. Please contact us to see how you can make a difference in the Jewish community of Western New York.
Your donation is vital. Every little bit helps sustain our many activities and programs. We thank you for your kind and generous support.
In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Shatkin, ob”m
Following the lead of our illustrious parents, we enjoy making a positive impact on the Jewish educational and cultural needs of Western New York. Please help us in our mission!

Temple Beth Zion
805 Delaware Avenue
Joseph L. Fink Auditorium
$1.80 Advance Registration For Your ”Paddle”
$5.00 Registration at the Door
A live and silent art auction, coinciding with the 13th yahrzeit of Dr. Shatkin, a dedicated art enthusiast and collector. The TELLL Fund is thrilled to feature a piece from Dr. Shatkin’s own private collection. The event will also include live entertainment and offer kosher refreshments for all attendees.
Artists • Artisans • Art Patrons:
We are actively seeking donations now!
Please share your works of art for this fun event!
we welcome artwork, Judaica items, jewelry, pottery, still life, nature scenes and more.
We hope to highlight the work of our local artists and urge those who possess valuable collectibles, including Judaica items, jewelry, paintings, and sports memorabilia, etc. to donate items they are willing to part with.
Our goal is to make this event inclusive, with silent auction items values beginning at $25 and higher, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to participate with bidding and collecting.


Rus Devorah (Darcy) Wallen

Cindy Oppenheimer

The Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies would be honored to assist you and your family in preserving your legacy.